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for December, 2006.
An Austin police officer accused of using excessive force against a man with mental retardation in July was fired on Thursday.
Also, three of Officer Gary Griffin’s supervisors were disciplined for the way they reviewed the July 1 incident. Austin police Cmdr. Michael Nyert and Lt. Deborah Sawyer were suspended for one day, while Cpl. Andy Haynes was suspended for three days. Read the rest of this entry »
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Travis County Sheriff Deputies will be out in full force looking for folks taht are drinking and driving during the holiday season.
Experts say there are more alcohol-related traffic deaths during December and January than any other time of the year. That’s why the Sheriff’s Office says they are kicking off the Travis County DWI campaign.
The message is this: “There is no tolerance. If you drink, you will go to jail,” according to Deputy Juan Arispe.
What amazes me about statements like that from Deputy Arispe, is that drinking and driving is NOT AGAINST THE LAW, just so you don’t drink to the level of intoxication. (if you are at least 21 years of age) Read the rest of this entry »
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Seventeen counties in Texas have the highest alcohol-related accidents, and Travis County is on the list, the Texas Department of Public Safety said.
Be yee warned, DPS started an initiative Friday that will increase the number of troopers on the highway and aims to decrease the number of accidents and fatalities. (AKA, make more DWI arrests)
At the same time, Austin police is continuing it’s campaign to target drunken drivers during the holidays. Read the rest of this entry »
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KXAN reported that an Austin police officer is under investigation for allegedly lying about a case that led to the criminal conviction of an Austin man.
Ernest Smith was convicted in September on drug charges, but the district attorney’s office learned something was wrong, and it had to do with one Austin cop.
It’s unclear exactly what this officer may have lied about, but it was big enough for the district attorney to do something it rarely does. Read the rest of this entry »
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